After 19 years have past, including the birth of 3 kids, several others cars and jobs, dogs and life changes, I find myself hitting play of the '72 Sport Custom after being on pause for so long of a time. This week, the chassis and cab will leave the driveway and head off for some needed work. The front frame horns will get straightened and returned so that I can start the Crown Vic front suspension conversion and the cab will be in the body shop to start and rust repairs and body work. Two weeks ago, I pulled the engine and transmission and cleaned it up (pulled the intake, valve covers, timing cover, oil pan, headers and such and cleaned them up and inspected everything to make sure that its long idle did not harm the internals. After ordering a few replacement parts, bead blasting, cleaning and respraying everything, I have started reassembly and the pic below is the results after only a week from when it was pulled out. I am taking a little bit at a time and making it into what I had planned out so long ago.
More to come as things progress.