Bird Chirping

Engine, ignition, fuel, cooling, exhaust

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Bird Chirping

Post by theogre5150 »

Not sure if this goes here but the sound seems to come from my engine area. I notice a chirp chirp noise at low speeds, probably because I can't hear anything over my glasspacks :thup:

Anyways, if I throw it in neutral before coming to a stop I can really hear it. I do not hear the noise while sitting still.

Any ideas :?
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Re: Bird Chirping

Post by lee_ford »

theogre5150 wrote:I do not hear the noise while sitting still.
You may have something inside the brake drum between the drum and shoe or a bearing going bad. Jack up each front tire and turn it by hand. The direction the sound is coming from may be fooling you, so if that does not locate it, then do the same on the rear. Be sure and block the front tires and have the truck in neutral. It may be the front u-joint or a rear brake.
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