I have a 71 F250 sport custom with a 360. I'm having an issue with the clutch. The pedal seems to be be getting lower and lower to the floor. Now I can barely get down far enough to engage to be able to shift with out excessive syncro wear. Today my choke was stuck on high idle and between the two problems I barely got it home. Typically with a low pedal I'd think the clutch was going bad or a hydraulic issue but since this is a manual clutch and also that the truck seems to have no problem engaging the engine to the drive train (I stalled a few times and also was able to lay rubber) I'm kinda puzzled. The floor pans are both really rusted out. Front passenger cab support its gone. I have read that having a sagging cab could cause pedal problems but I cant imagine that this would be caused by that. Is there some adjustment either under the dash, hood or at the fork? It was cold, dark and I was fairly pissed off when i got home so I decided not to look tonight, but post this and the look in the morning with a more educated eye.
It seems this winter has been tough on ol' BigFoot. First it was the turn signal cam, then a new thermostat, coolant hoses, then a hole in the new radiator spraying all over the old cracked ignition wires causing misfiring, fuel pump went out, then today the damn high idle, the clutch problem and at the same time the power steering seemed to be failing! Pretty soon there wont be any thing left to fix in the cold winter air...

Any advice? Thanks in advance!