F25 H R P85535 131 MR F252 T4 G24
07500 163 3600 72
F25 F250 2WD
H 390 CID
R San Jose, CA
P85535 (Not Listed)
131 Long Wheel Base
MR M-Wimbledon White, R-Sequoia Brown Reg Tu-Tone
F252 7500
T4 Ranger XLT Styleside Pastel parchment vinyl and light parchment bodycloth
G Automatic
24 4.10 Dana 5250
07500 Max G.V.W.
163 HP @ 3600 RPM’s
72 San Jose
Here is a link to the album I have for it, http://s738.photobucket.com/albums/xx22 ... 20Special/
Here are a few pics

Let me know what you guys think! Ben