Well, today was just about a wasted day. I was kinda anxious to get the buckets set into the truck just to get an idea of what kind of work would be needed to get them mounted, and how low I could get them to set. I pretty much figured on completely removing the tracks, and just bolting the seat frame itself directly to the floor. It turns out that the inside mount on each side will be easy...no mount fabrication necessary, just bolt it to the floor. However, the outside mount on each side will require a full custom mount.
I hit the shop a little before 9AM...and spent the ENTIRE day getting the driver's-side mount fabricated. It definitely took a lot longer than I thought, due to a number of factors. I tried several different things before deciding on a course of action. Once I made the decision constructing the mount, I had to redo my own work
twice, due to some warping during the welding process.

Oh well...the other side should go a lot faster, now that I know what I'm doing (more or less).
Anyway...this first picture shows the factory mounting on the Probe seats. (Incidentally, what I thought was electric lumbar sumpport adjustment is actually vacuum...the small canister up under the seat is the vacuum pump.)
A while back I bought a pair of seat brackets that was advertised as for mounting a bench seat. I decided to try using these first...and if the floorpan was completely flat, these would've worked great. Here's a shot of them bolted up to the seat frame, after removing the plastic cover and grinding out the factory rivets and spotwelds holding the tracks to the frame:
Because the outer edge of each seat sticks out past the flat section of the floorpan, these wouldn't work. I toyed around with several ideas to modify them to make them work, but in the end I had to just scrap the idea about using them altogether, and come up with something different.
Since I just cleaned out my shop a few weeks ago of most of my scrap iron, I didn't have a lot to choose from for steel stock. I was walking around the 4x4 outside trying to get some ideas, when I suddenly noticed that the grille guard on the front of the truck had exactly what I needed. Since I wasn't really attached to it anyway, it donated the 1/4" steel to make these brackets.

(Yeah, I know...overkill, right? But at least I'll never have to worry about them bending or breaking!)
The outside headlight loop on each side of the grille guard will be the main section for the seat mounts, so I got started cutting those off:
Here's a shot taken about halfway through the fabrication of the driver's-side mount. I'm getting things just tack-welded into place until I'm sure it's all gonna fit and work right:
I made the mistake of thinking that the tack welds would hold things in place when the mount was removed so it could be fully welded up. I ended up with some warpage between several of the pieces, and while they'd have still worked, I just wasn't happy with the results, so I ended up cutting several welds and redoing them...only to have the same thing happen again. I again removed the welds, but then had to built a clamping device to hold everything in place and keep it square, and the third time it worked great. Here's the semi-finished mount in place:
All that's left to do is actually drill the mounting holes and bolt it into place, and to drill one more hole for another bolt from the seat frame to the bracket, so there will be three bolts there, and then drill three more to bolt the bracket to the cab floor. I figure maybe an hour's worth of work to finish up this side, then I simply have to re-create this for the passenger side. Here's a shot of the bracket with the seat cover reinstalled:
I'm not going to worry about cleaning it up and painting it, because I'm going to be mounting a 1/8" steel panel (that's even louvered) over the mount as a cover...that will be painted the carpet color (either gray or black).
Anyway, since I wasted a whole day working on this, I'm a little behind in my bodywork plan. This just means I need to hit the ground running tomorrow, and get as much done as possible. I might still be able to have the truck ready to paint on Friday...but if not, then hopefully this weekend.