I got this Ranger to drive so I can fix my f100.
The engine runs great it's a 2.9 5speed 4x4
My problem is that when I let up on the clutch in 1st or reverse the rmps drop to the point it stalls/dies.
Even when I am able to let the clutch pedal up all the way ( and that's not easy) it still loses power and dies.
I have found that when I put it in 4low it will move and not die but only 4low.
The truck was an automatic but the previous owner put in the 5 speed.
If anyone has any ideas on what could cause this please let me know
need help with 87 Ranger xlt 4x4
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need help with 87 Ranger xlt 4x4
72 f100 lwb 302 3speed
78 f100 swb 351m auto edelbrock 600cfm Carb (electric choke) & intake
78 f100 swb 351m auto edelbrock 600cfm Carb (electric choke) & intake
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Re: need help with 87 Ranger xlt 4x4
No offense meant, but it's worth asking before you start troubleshooting, have you driven a manual transmission much before? Most manual transmission vehicles will stall if you let out on the clutch without giving it gas. If you ease in on the gas while you ease up on the clutch does it go OK? Was the previous owner able to drive it OK as-is? If so, you might just need to get a feel for it, especially if you aren't used to driving a manual. If it's really bad and it takes very little load to kill the engine, check the following:
On the side of your upper intake will be a little can that's held on by two bolts. That is your idle air control (IAC) solenoid and is responsible for maintaining a constant idle RPM when engine load varies.
With the truck idling, disconnect the wires going to it and see if the idle RPM changes or the engine dies. If it doesn't, your IAC solenoid is probably bad. If it does, reconnect it and turn on the air conditioner.
Does the load of the air conditioner compressor kicking in cause the idle RPM to drop significantly or the engine to die? If it does, your IAC solenoid is probably bad. If it doesn't, turn off the A/C and disconnect the wires going to the IAC solenoid again. Then turn on the A/C again. With the IAC solenoid disconnected, the idle should drop significantly or the engine die when the compressor kicks on. If it does (but didn't with the IAC connected) that means your IAC is working. If none of these checks make the engine RPM decrease noticeably, start looking for a vacuum leak.
Also note that sometimes when IAC solenoids go bad, people will use the throttle stop screw to adjust the idle (like a carburetor). On your truck the throttle stop screw should be adjusted so that the throttle butterfly is just barely not fully closed. It isn't used to set the idle, it's just used to keep the butterfly from fully closing and sticking in the intake bore. The IAC solenoid handles the idle air.

On the side of your upper intake will be a little can that's held on by two bolts. That is your idle air control (IAC) solenoid and is responsible for maintaining a constant idle RPM when engine load varies.
With the truck idling, disconnect the wires going to it and see if the idle RPM changes or the engine dies. If it doesn't, your IAC solenoid is probably bad. If it does, reconnect it and turn on the air conditioner.
Does the load of the air conditioner compressor kicking in cause the idle RPM to drop significantly or the engine to die? If it does, your IAC solenoid is probably bad. If it doesn't, turn off the A/C and disconnect the wires going to the IAC solenoid again. Then turn on the A/C again. With the IAC solenoid disconnected, the idle should drop significantly or the engine die when the compressor kicks on. If it does (but didn't with the IAC connected) that means your IAC is working. If none of these checks make the engine RPM decrease noticeably, start looking for a vacuum leak.
Also note that sometimes when IAC solenoids go bad, people will use the throttle stop screw to adjust the idle (like a carburetor). On your truck the throttle stop screw should be adjusted so that the throttle butterfly is just barely not fully closed. It isn't used to set the idle, it's just used to keep the butterfly from fully closing and sticking in the intake bore. The IAC solenoid handles the idle air.