Leaking Tranny Fluid.

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Leaking Tranny Fluid.

Post by zentar »

Ever since I got the truck back on the road its leaked tranny fluid. Sometimes I can park it in a level parking spot at work and it wont leave a drop and sometimes it will leave a 4 inch circle. My driveway is slopped so it always leaves a spot there and when I back out I can see drops where it seems to have pooled up somewhere in the housing and dripped out the entire length of the driveway.Tranny fluid hasnt checked out low yet and Ive been driving it every day for two months.Sometimes it leaks and sometimes it dont.Puddles are usually around the rear seal.
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Re: Leaking Tranny Fluid.

Post by fordman »

there are four main places a transmission can leak from. the rear seal the front seal the pan and the trans cooler lines if they have been cut and put back together with rubber hose. three out of the four are easy in truck replacements. the front seal though will have to have the transmission pulled out of the truck to replace it. i am unsure about where your leak is exactly. but it sounds like you found it when you said rear seal area. it doesnt cost much for a new rear seal so i would try that first it sounds like. when the truck isnt running the fluid all goes into the pan. on a slope it might have excess from being ran go out the rear seal. if it was the pan gasket it should leak all the time i would think.
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Re: Leaking Tranny Fluid.

Post by 69rangerman »

Leaks are tricky and can migrate anywhere from anywhere. Once I got my pan leak fixed, and cooler line fixed the fill tube started.

Feel/Inspect the top of the case and see if it's wet up high - these can drip down and go lots of places. If it's dry under the fill tube, the in and out lines, and the speedo gear, then it's probably the pan or rear like you said.

Good luck.
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