I´m on the final way with my build
After front and cab was done I continued working on the bed. It was already sand blasted an primed (original outside paint surfaces were not blasted and remain).
I started on the underside with some underbody coating and painted everything:
Then I flipped the bed over and installed it back on the frame. Looks very good and I like the exhaust position:
With the bed on the truck I moved along with the inside of the bed. I used a black 2K bedliner which makes real good looking structure:
The next big part was the tailgate. It was kind of butchered from the PO:
After welding new sheet metal in (see pic´s on previous posts) I started to smooth the metal surface with some light use of bondo to get a good surface for paint:
Filler applied:
Next step was applying the basecolor of my two tone paint setup (pebble beige):
So when this first coat was dry I covered everything which should remain beige to apply the white as the second basecolor:
At the end I applied clear coating to the whole tailgate surface. I really like the look and how it went out. (good enough for a dirty garage paint job


The back of the tailgate will be coated with bedliner when the clear coating is finally hardened.
Moving along with the interior aswell, got it finished at this point with radio and glovebox installed. I converted the old radio to an AUX In to use it with my smartphone. Maybe I´m adding bluetooth to it in the future. (I´m doing lots of old radio conversions here in germany

One last topic on the front end was deleting the hood pin holes from the PO. Welding was no option since the paint would had gone. So I made some cover plates and painted them. Looks not that bad and was an easy fix!
At this point I´m waiting for my wheels to get new tires on and tomorrow I´ll get my rear bumper back from blasting to finish it aswell.