Hey all I've been away for a long time. I'm making the transition from college kid to guy living on his own. I bought a house last October and have been living here on my own since. I recently had road runner internet installed so I could return to the Fordification site every day, and send Keith the explorer special info I promised. I drove my 67 back and forth every week to school, Cincinnati to Morehead, and now have time to tweak it. Here are some general pics.
Thanks for looking
Nick Wilson
Last edited by FoMoCo on Wed May 24, 2006 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The seat is a stock seat from a 1994 ford cab and chassis. Any seat up to 95 work work with very very minor changes. The grill is in great condition but only loks shiny because I keep it wet with 120 wt oil.
DC bullet. I've driven this truck rain, shine, salty winter roads, and mud. It's looked that clean since it was streetable. It now has about 5000 mile on it.
Is that some type of CFI injection unit, it's hard to tell in the pic with the shadow. I can see the fuel pressure regulator peeking out and it doesn't look like the carburetor type.