Hello All,
I just wanted to give a quick update. I have the truck running! It idles a little rough when I first start it, I have to give it a little gas to keep it alive during the first 5-10 minutes, but once it warms up, it runs really smoothly. If you have any ideas for making it easier to stay alive while it idles when you first start it, feel free to say something!
So far done the following:
- - New spark plugs & wires
- - New air filter & housing
- - New electric choke carburetor (instead of hot air) & gaskets
- - New fuel filter & fuel pump
Things that I still have to do:
- - New vacuum line for vacuum advance distributor
- - New fuel line & move the fuel tank from behind the seat to below the truck or in the bed
- - New throttle linkage for carburetor (using a zip-tie currently)
- - New starter solenoid (first one I bought was a dud, gotta take it back)
- - Re-route PCV from oil cap to rear-passenger valve
- - The points look good, but I'll take a little sandpaper to them anyways just to make sure
Eventually, I'd like to get a new wiring harness for it and re-do that, and I need to replace the windshield wipers, replace some of the hoses in there, and attack the engine & other components with some engine cleaner, but that's down the line.
I also finally got her exterior cleaned up (as well as can be done). Here are a few photos:
Thank you all for your help!