It's been a busy couple of months. The club has moved to new digs so work has been slowed a bit but I have made a bit of progress. Mostly in the area of the gauge cluster. I wanted something different and also needed to have an electronic speedometer for the NV4500.
There's the layout after cutting the aluminum that was used as a floor patch. The high beam indicator is an Empi branded part and the turn signal indicators are NOS International Harvester. Yes the tach and speedo are different brands, the Marshall electronic is about two thirds the price of an Autometer.
I didn't want to spend another $50 on tools so I used this which I found at the local Ace on a closeout for $10.
It kinda felt like Christmas in April with all the boxes and bags getting opened.
I found a six inch by eight foot roll of walnut on Ebay for $10 shipped so I have plenty if I decide to change something.
I taped the veneer to the face to keep it flat while I sprayed it with urethane. I still need to sand and respray after scratching it cutting the holes.
Here it is mocked up. I did the veneer at home so I'll put the gauges in and finish the wiring at the shop this weekend. I had planned to use chrome screws but at almost three dollars a piece they're a bit spendy right now. Also scrapped is the plan to wrap the bezel with chrome vinyl, I'm going to try polishing it first since to be honest I liked the bare aluminum and steel look when I was laying things out.