I Knew i had low compression on #8 popped the Valve cover, found chunks of plastic. Shortly there after i removed the timing chain cover, and discovered the cam gear for the timing chain was Ford OEM. Nylon wrapped gear. Needless to say, all the nylon chunks ended up in my oil pan.

Oh Well, may as well pull the motor and Trans now that I'm this far, as the Trans was leaking about a quart a day I decided it could use some new seals.

So, the week before Thanksgiving the C6 is on its way to central Oregon for a rebuild at Hanson Transmissions. At this point I said to myself "Jason.... why stop now?" Finished tearing that tired old 360 down.

Figured out why I was so tired at long stop lights with the windows up.

Just dropped off the Heads this morning at the Machine shop for some hardened seats and so on " can't wait to see that bill" hopefully hear back soon.
I am greatly in debt to everyone who has contributed to this site, you have helped me keep the old girl running for the past 3 years, Thank you.
I am also open to any and all suggestions on rebuilding my motor, I'm not looking to do anything crazy, just wake it up a bit. I've been shopping Summit Racing for kits, if anyone has experience with their Master Kits it would be lots of help.