was an i6 3sp unit previous owner installed a 360 4 sp

with the fleet

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2x.. white grill and wheels gives the rig a much cleaner, vintage appearance. Going black makes it look like you're trying to hide something. Alternatively, a rattle can silver grill and bumpers also looks decent.sargentrs wrote:Just my opinion, I think the white grill goes better with light green. If it were mine I'd rattle can the grill, bumpers and wheels white, give the caps a good wire brushing and rattle can chrome those. The spray can chrome doesn't look half bad. Not too durable but looks decent and you can just respray it. Either way she's a good looking truck!
May as well get it over with!meteor545 wrote:I don't want to pull the head. That is the sort of thing that snowballs into an engine rebuild.