I finally got my new old pickup to my house this last weekend. I drove it about 300 miles from west Texas to Buda. Pickup runs like a champ. That 360 was humming going up and down the hills once I got to central TX! I got 14.5 drving about 60-65mph. She was parked under a carport for the 7 years collecting dust. It took a little work to get her back on the road. Nothing major. Just a tune up really.
Fuel stabilizer, radiator cap, upper hose, thermostat, engine coolant, battery, battery cables, plugs, wires, horn relay, oil and filter change, air filter, accelerator pump, timing adjustment, brake adjustment (bled em), and new tires.
Check it out
Tune up
Test drive
From the country to the suburbs :-X06
Time to get to work