This bracket was designed to mount a modern, Sanden 508 style compressor on the passenger side of the engine, below the alternator. This should mount on all FE engines. Your compressor doesn't have to be a Sanden brand, as most modern compressors copy the Sanden 508 dimensions and mounting features. But if you're not using the Sanden 508, the confirmation of the fit is up to you.
Please notice that I'm using a 4-groove crank pulley, if you're using something different, you'll have to figure out your own spacers to make the pulley grooves line up. My front-most groove will be empty, meaning a 3-groove pulley should work, but I'm assuming here because I don't have one.
The bracket is cut with a waterjet out of 3/16" steel. This is a high quality cut with very precise edges.
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Fully welded ready to finish - $95 - free shipping in the lower 48.
These brackets have been successfully installed on dozens of Bumps, Dents, Galaxies, and even a '62 Mercury Monterey!
Please ask any questions below, email, or PM me.
Just send an email to tylerblankenship@yahoo.com , and I'll send you an invoice via paypal. I'll add tracking information to the paid invoice when it ships, easy as that!