Thank you jzjames, I enjoy everyday to the fullest now. Was a real wake up call about how fast life can change.
Ive been saying im going to do a update for a while now and got a few pictures today to show how the truck is coming along. Ive redone most of the trim pieces for the truck but still have more trim to work on. I need to clear coat the grille and redo the ranger grille thingy. The bezels are DC 2nd's and i bought them for 1/2 price when i was at the auto fair

The sun visors are in good condition so i repainted them, Im thinking about useing 69 MACH 1 seats and they have the red line so they would blend right in. The dash is put back together but im still working on the stereo system, Going to be putting a EQ in the A/C glove box and a antena booster, Im don't know how im going to mount speakers in the kick panels yet but going to get them in there some how

Ive still have to align the doors and bolt down the cab. Ive got the outside of the bed painted and need to paint the inside and install on the truck so i can line everything up and bolt them down for the last time and put in my old school rollbar. I don't know if the 360 in the truck still runs or not, ill check that out next week.
Im going to be building a 390 with around 350hp maybe a little more for the truck when i get the body finished. Ive got everything for the engine just need to buy the other things to go with it like headers, ignition and a few small other things. Im going to pull the front back off and repaint the inner fenders inside and out, I bought some zink galvanizing spray for the underside of the inners, Hoping that will stand up to the test of time.
Anybody haveing a problem with photobucket ? Im trying to post a pic by left clicking the IMG code to copy but not haveing any luck, Has PB change the way you post pictures ? This sucks, i wanted to show an tell as i went

Guess ill just have to post a link. Anyone that can help me with this please do.
EDIT: Ive done a scan on my computer and now it seems to be working again

Couldnt even get the site on my computer for 2 weeks.