haminator wrote: My middle son just stuck a 351 W in his 54 Bel-Air, now thats just wrong.

I'm a Ford Guy but I wouldn't put a Ford in a brand X car.

When I raced mud My Jeep buddies had two thoughts, Jeep motors (usually a 401) or a chevy.
Now I could imagine the trash talk if I put a Ford motor in a Jeep, so I went all Ford and did good.
I had enough Ford parts it wasn't cost effective to switch brands,
so what I lost in weight I made up for with a good runnin 429.
I was always going to do a small Bronco and loose some pounds but never did.
My thoughts are try to be brand loyal .
Ford in a Ford, Chrysler in a Chrysler and gm in a gm.
Now if you have a Kaiser Frasier or a Hudson or some import ,mix em up I understand.