So, I’m taking my daughter out to get a hamburger,,, I’m in salt lake it’s the first nice day we have had for weeks. Her and I have the windows rolled down on my 69 F250, and we and I have a bag of burgers in the truck heading home…. Life is good We are cruising about 45mph when all of the sudden BOOOOOM My hood flies up and smacks into the windshield, I cant see.. I slam on my breaks and snap… my hood flies right off the truck and about 50 feet into the air. So, I think my hood latch bracket lower bolt broke off, or fell off at some time and the emergency catch didn’t stop the hood from coming up against the windshield? Thankfully the hood didn’t hit anyone and it landed right side up. So, other than some damage from where the hood springs bent the hood, she is in relatively good shape. But I need some parts and I need a little help finding some.
Like I said she is a 1969 F250 camper special and these are what I think I need…..
A hood latch assembly
2 hood springs assembly’s
The main hood latch bracket and mounting assembly.
I have included some pics of the damage and parts. If you have these parts, I will purchase them….. Or, if you know a good place I can get them please, someone,,,,,, anyone let me know where.
Thanks guys, Jonathon.