Still, there's some things you just can't forecast...
A friend's got a '79 Dodge with a slant six that we suspect has a bad piston. I looked at it a couple of weeks ago, pulling plugs and valve cover to check it out and reassembling after I was done. Friend went out the other day to move it but couldn't get it started so I went over on wed nite to see why. Discovered the coil wire wasn't put back, so i did that and turned the key. Well, as it started there was a combination of a bang and whoomp and nice cloud of smoke that dissipated fairly quickly. Found myself looking at the valve cover sitting upside down on top of the engine, which was still running

Just before the valve cover lifted, the breather cap was launched straight up into the bottom of the hood and ricoched into the back of another truck parked about ten feet in front of the ol' Dodge. Sure blessed no one was standing there because they would have got a mouth full in addition to fried eyebrows...
