I've decided that just to add a little fun to the the goings-on here, I'm going to start up a contest. There are 3-4 of us here (or maybe more, I can't keep track anymore!) whose wives are expecting within the 3-4 weeks. The contest is going to be to guess the date and time of the deliveries for those expectant mothers. The member who guesses closest to the actual date and time for each delivery will get their choice of:
1) Two FORDification window decals (one large, one small)
2) A FORDification t-shirt (providing they can either wear a Large or Extra-Large, since that's all I have left)
I'll get this set up within the next day or two. However, I need for those whose wives are expecting to let me know who they are and what the projected due date is.....and I'll take it from there. But don't wait! We don't have much longer to go!