Torqueing Technique. Snapped a main bearing bolt.

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Re: Torqueing Technique. Snapped a main bearing bolt.

Post by lee_ford »

bjde0b wrote: BTW I liked the detailed explaination.
bjde0b wrote:The bolt was hot when snapped so the yield strength was reduced.
Here is a little proof in the pudding so to speak.

It was not that the whole bolt was too hot. It was the steel around one of the tiny internal flaws that heated and lowered that areas yield strength. Those over heated steel molecules let go of each other and started a tear that went across the entire bolt. If you look at a snapped bolt, you can spot the starting point of the tear and tell where the flaw is. There is a peak or point on the surface of the separation. This is where the steel was softened and stretched to a point as the rest of the steel around it tore apart.

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[Please note: A lot of what I write may be common knowledge to some of us. But for a new comer and even us at one time, somebody had to inform us that FIRST time.]
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