so i go to the local cromer to price recroming them. it was just a little more to have them recromed.then i thought maybe have them smoothed(no bolts on top)
then that silver total custom truck showed its face on the lowered post with smoothed bumpers, sectioned, and no place for a plate.dang it looks killer.
so after a month of being inside with a new born and cold weather,i finely got my break to get out of the house
after going to the dump,hair cut and normal saturday stuff i had a few hours of day light left.
first was to get the donor truck from the woods
then i had to find all the tools to do the job.when you share the shop with dad,and brother stuff is never where it needs to be
got the rear bumper off and the brackets off.i was going to use a van bumper but it needed to much work to is the top bumper.
in this pic you can see how i cut the donor bumper to get the straight peace to fill the place where the plate goes
this pic you can see where it will go
the last pic shows how i will tuck the bumper,cut two inches off and will slot the holes to get as close to the body as possible
so give some feed back. i started with the rear it is straight unlike the front witch has a curve to it,but i will do the same to the front soon