pretty big update, spent ALOT of hours out there!
heres what i did:
-Got some new goodies from Fordman
-finished scraping ALL the undercoating off the underside of bed floor

boy that was fun
-started wire wheelin' the frame, got alot done
-started to strip the cab floor, will be covered with por-15 soon
-dad and i removed steering and braking components
-i moved a BUNCH of parts out to the parts shed
-made alot more space in the garage
-got both doors stripped of parts and off
-removed cab bolts, now cab is ready to come off
-sold my spare hood finally
-other stuff that im forgetting
new goodies - front bumper guards, ranger emblem, toolbox door, wiper squirter hosing, vent window and i think thats it. thanks Fordman

ALOT of wire wheelin'

hey, i get my moneys worth atleast

tranny: will be pulled probably once the cab is off

getting all the parts out:

bought this paint/rust stripper pad. it strips very well, but doesnt last too long. it lasts long enough to almost do one half of the cab floor:

and then it wears out like this, and then you cant use it because of the grinders middle bolt, but i am impressed with this thing

wear a respirator!

got alot more room in the garage with some re-arrangements. put some big stuff outside that can get wet without rusting:

now i have alot more room