what i did:
-bought respirator
-scraped (x10000)
so ive been having problems with wires flying out of my wire wheel excessively (i found many wires stickign out of my pants and walls of tarp shelter), so i figured it was because of making it slice through the undercoating on the underside of the bed. so ive been scraping for 3 hours. im almost done with scraping, then im going to use the grinder/wire wheel to strip the primer off.
safety first!

well this was when i was grinding, before i started scraping. i also had gloves, and earplugs.

this is what i started with today:

this is some progress:

i started on the wheel wells

this how much i have left to scrape before braking out the grinder again:
(the bottom of this pic is where the tailgate is for reference. i have about 5 square feet to scrape)
ran into a snag
found that a body support has been torched off, and it should really be there for body and toolbox support. now i have to find someone on here that can get me one. or actually!, were about to scrap a beaten/rusted bumpside bed at work! ill have this piece torched off

so this is what it looks like on the other side of the bed:

this is what it looks like on the toolbox side:
check this out, so i just bought this respirator (safety first

) and i did alot of scraping (using the air blower is what kicks all the stuff up) and then i took the filters out and blew the dirt out. put them back in and scraped alittle more and this is what they looked like before the first time i cleaned them, and what it looked like before cleaning them the second time. THAT would be in my lungs!! that makes me wonder what my lungs look like from all the previous grinding before i got this thing
what shall come....
...more scraping. then hopefully next weekend, i will have a fresh metal bed!