well heres what Troy(mostly Troy) and I did if i can remember it all:
-got the truck ready for towing
-towed the truck down (its amazing how many stares you get, its like i was in a lamborghini)
-got many dents out with a bunch of hammers and hours.
-got the bed bolts out (wow, how fun)
-got the bed off with the forklift
-welded up the bed holes
-weded up the radio mount holes
-torched the cargo box screws out
-removed the cargo box
-cut the brackets off
-welded the torched holes up
-cut the hook off
-sanded the scrape down
-removed more wiring, and underbed wiring
-cut the bumper off
-put the bed back on
-towed it home
-spen 1 hour making this post
-is that enough for you?
after we got the bed off with the forklift (we put on the huge forks, and slid the forks right under the bed. easy as that.)

show me ONE spot of rust

its bumpside city over here, we have the bump trailer:

we have my bump, we have boss's 70-

and we have his other 70

so here is the bed:

here are the forks:

then i did LOTS of BANGING! i got many many dents out of this heavily worked bed. this fenderwell used to be crumpled, now look at it
the yellow line is to give you an idea of the crumplage
all we have to do to transport the bed is slide the forklift's fork into the big forks,

no, the bed is not falling, this is the weirdest illusion ever

sanded the scrape (didnt get to fooling with it today)

a visual of scrape to no-scrape

darn cargo box screws wouldnt budge, now they came out with no trouble

random picture:

Troy doing work on the brackets:

brackets? what brackets

no more torched holes

no more hook
all 10 or so holes in the bed welded up and sanded. look at that!

now i can finally take EVERYTHING off

steering, braking, all of it

as it sits now: i think ill make this one my default, its so beautyfull
there will be another update on sunday, since this weekend i plan on removing the bed, pushing the truck in to the end, laying the bed down behind the truck upside down so i can strip the bottom and i will POR-15 the under-bed chassis, and the front end and under the bed.
and i want to remove all braking/steering equipment.
what do you think of Troys work? looks VERY good to me!