Olde Skool udate 7-6-07

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Olde Skool udate 7-6-07

Post by kaptnkaos »

Hey Guys...

Wow, I can't belive that it has be this long since I have done an update on my Olde Skool project.
I have be doin' alot of interior prep work as time has allowed.
Thunderfoot has been tryin' to help me rig up some intermittent wiper switches (IWS), but it looks like it won't work.
As we narrowed things down, it was looking more and more like the bus wiring and the truck wiring were just to differant to make the conversion work. The bus has two separate motors and switches (one for each side) we figured just about every conceiveable wire connection we could think of. The bus wipers only have 4 wires with one as a run wire. It seems that the bus switch musta had an interior bridged wire with a resistor somehow. Since it only had one feed wire to the motor... switch in position one: low power feed to motor, switch in postion two: high power feed to motor using the same feed wire.
One of the bus switches was bad, so I replaced both with switches from a bump. Wiring in the harness side plugs as well. I was really hoping to use an IWS. now I have both sides working but with only one speed (high). Evidently, the bump switches must not have the same resistor set up as the original bus switches. oh well, around here I would much rather have high speed than low speed.
I got a lot of painting done the last two days as well, the cabin area is just about 2/3's of the way painted now... after it's done the rest of the painting is really gonna be a piece of cake... I will be done with Rustolum and a roller just like '71's highboy. I am hoping to have the cabin pretty much finished by monday.
Heck, I even managed to make it out to a wreckin' yard today.
I found Olde Skool's younger but bigger brother. It is a dent side F-600 bus, but there are a few things I can salvage... the funny thing is that I coulda had the whole bus a couple years ago for nothin'. It ran great and I coulda drove it home for nothin'. I just didn't have a place to put it so I had to pass on it.
Oh well, just wasn't ment to be... after looking at the two buses I like mine alot better. I like the rounder look of the bump series Bluebird rather than the square boxy look of the next generation. Not sure who made the body... I think it was Carpenter, it's a lot differant than mine.

budup budup budup ... thats all folks !!!

except for addin' a couple of pics of the recent work.

if ya double click on the images it links to the host site and ya can see them full size... enjoy


Cabin 2

dash pieces

take care,
Washington...The land where rust is like the family pet...Ya learn to live with it and clean up after its mess... KaptnKAOS

"Olde Skool" '68 Ford Bluebird short bus
"FRODO" '68 F-250 Camper Special project
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re: Olde Skool udate 7-6-07

Post by jzjames »

Good progress.
How is that brake work coming?
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re: Olde Skool udate 7-6-07

Post by kaptnkaos »

Hey JZ...

I stopped by NAPA yesterday...
I am still waiting for the master cylinder kit to come in from Georgia.
NAPA said it would be 3 weeks.. but it's been a month now.
I looked at another bus yesterday, but it had a differant brake system completely so I couldn't use any of the parts.
I did purchase a 3 ton shop jack so I can at least jack it up now... lol
I still have to get a 3/4" drive socket set so I can get the wheels off so I can inspect the brakes themselves...
Otherwise, the project is comin right along.

take care,
Washington...The land where rust is like the family pet...Ya learn to live with it and clean up after its mess... KaptnKAOS

"Olde Skool" '68 Ford Bluebird short bus
"FRODO" '68 F-250 Camper Special project
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re: Olde Skool udate 7-6-07

Post by Thunderfoot »

Looking Great :thup: I like the colors, you going to paint the outside the same blue?
I'm not "Brand Loyal" Ford-Chevy-Dodge-Toyota I have them all, one even cross mixed...
If it Looks good and Works good then it's ok by me. Everything has its issues from time to time...

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re: Olde Skool udate 7-6-07

Post by kaptnkaos »

Hey Thunderfoot..

Yup... the main part of the body is going to be the same Rustolium "Harbor Blue", with a white top, with a red splash job (like a flame job, but looks like liquid running from the front toward the back).
My bump pickup is gonna be the same colors. The paint I've been using on Olde Skool was actually bought for the pickup before I ever got the bus. I decided to wait to do the interior of the CS until I get the exhaust work and the power steering swap done...

Take care,
Washington...The land where rust is like the family pet...Ya learn to live with it and clean up after its mess... KaptnKAOS

"Olde Skool" '68 Ford Bluebird short bus
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re: Olde Skool udate 7-6-07

Post by mljjones67 »

Lookin good I like all the pics!!! I like the back of the bus!! thats cool with all the tools :thup:
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re: Olde Skool udate 7-6-07

Post by kaptnkaos »

Hey MJ...

Yeah, it made sense to me to bring the tools to the bus rather than having to run back and forth to the garage to get them.
I made a set of ramps so I can just roll everything in and out as needed.
I have needed a place to work for a while, so I just set up shop in the bus.
Now, I can clean and prepare parts for installation right there on the bus...
When I get the cabin finished, I am going to put up a curtian that will close the cabin area off from the rest of the bus so I won't get dust and over spray in the cabin area.
The next main project is going to be installing a permanent 110 circuit to supply power to the fridge and other 110 a/c essentials like the air conditioner.
That will come in real handy this summer.

Take care...
Washington...The land where rust is like the family pet...Ya learn to live with it and clean up after its mess... KaptnKAOS

"Olde Skool" '68 Ford Bluebird short bus
"FRODO" '68 F-250 Camper Special project
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